* Net salary may differ due to number of obstacles.
For a large transport company in Venray in the Netherlands, we are ASAP looking for truck drivers for a multi stop shift.
Job description
The truck driver will be supplying the local restaurants and bars with food and beverages. The employee will have lots of social contact and must be in good physical condition. Workdays are from Monday till Saturday. Start time is between 05:00 and 07:00 in the morning. You will work an average of 8-9 hours per day exc. breaks.
The salary starts from a minimum of €453 net per week to a maximum of €535 net per week, depending on experience. Furthermore, the following surcharges are applicable:
Overtime 30%
Saturdays 50%
Overtime on Saturday 150%; overtime payment +50%
Sundays 100%
Overtime on Sundays 200%: overtime payment + 100%
The salary will be paid weekly.
We organize proper housing where every employee has a private room. The houses are fitted with free internet, clean kitchens and bathrooms and will be on a maximum of 40 minutes’ drive from the workplace. Costs of housing is 77 euros per week and health care (which is obligatory in the Netherlands) is 27,80 per week. .
The employee can rent a young timer car for 50 euros per week per car. The price includes insurance and taxes and excludes gas. The car can be shared between multiple employees when living in the same apartment/house. Сщьзфтн does not arrange the transport from the employee’s country to the Netherlands. We do however arrange transport from the airport to the employee’s new home.
What do we ask from the employee?
Driver license C
Valid Code95
English speaking
Willingness to perform physical labor
Willingness to stay in the Netherlands for at least six months