* Net salary may differ due to number of obstacles.
+48787127767 - Nataliya | Viber
+48787127767 - Nataliya | WhatsApp
Number of actual trucks:
- 73 in total
Vehicle makes:
- Mercedes\MAN\VOLVO (2018-2021)
Trailer types:
- Awning (standard/Mega)
- Refrigerators
- Container trucks
Planned number of vehicles (within 5-6 months):
- 150
Geography of shipments:
- EU countries (70% Germany/France)
Specifics of drivers' work:
- strict observance of drivers' work and rest schedules
- Routes / gas stations / parking lots are planned by logistics department
- Compliance with the standards of the Mobility Package
- training for newcomers
- Driver rotations take place at the base in Germany
Salary and bonuses:
- Salary between 1,800 and 2,600 euros/month
- Apprenticeship 900 euros per month
- Payroll schedule: 2 times a month
- Factors influencing the amount of wages: ADR, language skills (English/German), work experience in the company, no accidents
- assistance in obtaining Polish residence permit for the driver and his family members
- assistance in obtaining a mortgage for the driver and his family members
Characteristics of applicants:
- Citizens of Ukraine/Russia/Belarus/Kazakhstan/Romania/Moldova
- current CE category
- ADR is required, in case of urgent need we will help to arrange it in Poland.