* Зарплата на руки может варьироваться в зависимости от обстоятельств.
General information about the company. (Year of foundation, number of vehicles, manufacturer of the trucks, type of semi-trailers)
Company was established in 1994. 80 vehicles (MAN, MB, Volvo, DAF) with tilt-trailers (curtain-sided) for today.
General routes for freight movement
Germany, France, Benelux, Italy, Austria.
Type of crew - 1 or 2 drivers
1 driver
Work schedule
6 weeks – 4 at home
How the trucks are equipped? (gps, tablet, e.t.c)
GPS, tablet, personal phone for the driver
How the driver submits reports? (by tablet/handwritten document)
Handwritten or file from computer.
How the driver gets the information about his schedule? (tablet/phone)
Is there a pallet exchange?
Very rare cases.
Are there any deductions/fuel regulations/driving efficiency norms, etc.?
They have fuel norm for 100 km and get bonus, if they meet it.
Please advise how is the salary calculated? What is the monthly salary? Addons? As detailed as possible please (Add-ons for extra kilometers etc.)
64 EUR / each day + bonuses: up to 4 EUR a day from personal forwarder, 2 EUR for fuel norm, 2 EUR for usage of working time, 1 EUR for making photos&sending documents.
Is there an internship?
If driver does not have experience.
24h and 45h are done on parking lots, auto houses, or motels?
Parking lots
Visa cost coverage
Transfer cost coverage
Requirements for drivers
Any experience as a truck driver
For citizens from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, at least 1 year of experience in Europe.
Knowledge of languages
Appreciated, but not neccessary
95 code, but we can arrange it.
Additional requirements
Number of drivers required